(314) 249-8371 Jeff@chi-stl.com

The fall season has arrived, and winter is just around the corner. This is a good time for homeowners to take a closer look at the exterior of their homes and make improvements. Boost curb appeal without spending a lot of money or significant effort. By implementing these simple and effective tips, you can make your home look appealing and welcoming.

Boost Fall Curb Appeal

1. Plant Fall Flowers

One of the easiest ways to give your exterior a facelift is by incorporating fall flowers into the landscaping. Mums, asters, and pansies are just a few examples of hardy plants that make your home more colorful and inviting. Plant them in pots on the front porch or garden beds, and arrange them around the yard to highlight your home’s best features.

2. Clean Up the Landscaping

Fall is a time when leaves, twigs, and other debris accumulate in your yard. Spend time raking and removing debris, trimming overgrown shrubs, and pulling dead or dying summer foliage. Your yard will look cared-for and presentable.

3. Add Lighting to Boost Curb Appeal

As the days get shorter, good outdoor lighting becomes more important. Installing lighting fixtures adds ambiance and makes your home feel more welcoming. Incorporate lights on the front porch, along the walkway, and near the garage to boost safety and highlight your home’s architectural features.

4. Give the Front Door a Fresh Coat of Paint

Fall is a great time of year to repaint the front door. New paint for the door can significantly change the look and feel of your property. Choose a color that complements your property and your home’s architectural style. A bold color draws attention to the home’s entrance and improves curb appeal.

5. Accent the Home with Decorative Items

Add decorative items around the front door or on your porch to accentuate your home’s entryway. Incorporate seasonal décor, such as a fall wreath, to your front door. Include outdoor furniture – such as a bench or chairs – to make the porch feel more inviting. Using potted plants and decor shows you care about your home and its appearance.

Boosting your home’s curb appeal doesn’t require a lot of effort or money. By implementing these simple and effective tips, you can make your home look more attractive and welcoming. Whether planting fall flowers or giving the front door a fresh coat of paint, these improvements pay off when it comes time to sell your home.

Crossroads Home Inspections provides inspections to homebuyers and sellers in St. Louis and the surrounding area. Contact us to schedule our services.